Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rules-ish (emphasis on the ISH)

Ok, so I realize the below attachments are almost 100% illegible. Here are the rules: to be a member say "I want to be a member". Write it on a napkin, skywriting is cool too. Just let me know you're on board. What happens when you're a member? Your address is kept on file at our headquarters. IT WILL NOT BE GIVEN OUT TO OTHER MEMBERS. BAPI acts as a hub between members, in order to maintain privacy and also keep track of the art coming through, so no pieces go missing. As a member, you will receive art mailings of a various media from all over the country (don't have any international members yet). As a member, you are welcome and encouraged to send your own art to BAPI, at ANY juncture. NO pressure, you don't have to send art to receive!!

The one caveat as far as the art you receive goes? You must mail any art you receive back to BAPI by MAY 8TH 2010. At that point, the art will be collected and displayed in a show (the location of which has yet to be determined). After the show, art will be returned to its creators. Any art is welcome, the definition of that term is left to you. Music, writing, collage, paintings, cool coins. We just as that they not be super heavy in order to ease circulation and its cost. What was that address, one more time, again?

c/o J. Clark
702 N. 3rd Street
PMB 44
Philadelphia, PA